HighFlow Industries Pvt. Ltd.
>About Us

Three decades of Excellence
Founded in 1987, the Company we know today “Highflow Industries Pvt. Ltd” was originally named “Om Engineering Works” by founder Mr. Om PrakashJaiswal. The company was the first and foremost for manufacturing of Battery Hard Rubber Containers andLead Acid Battery Plates, and supplied to every batterymanufacturer in India upto 2000’s. In 2000 the company started making its own Lead Acid Batteries. In 2005 it started smelting of used Lead Acid Batteries. And in 2014 company changes its constitution to Pvt. Ltd. and changed its brand name to “ Highflow”.
Four Business Verticals
Since the company’s foundation in 1987, our product line has grown steadily in response to technical advances and market needs. Today, it encompasses Lead & Lead Base Alloys and Lead Acid Batteries for Inverters, U.P.S, Automobiles etc, solar power system and more.
So, today “Highflow” has Four
Business Verticals